Thursday, June 1, 2006

Okay, Now Gambling Has Become Ridiculous!!!!


You can go to Ultimate Odds Sportsbook&Casino and actually BET ON THE SCRIPPS SPELLING BEE!

Yeah.  The bets there are...

*Will the winner be male or female?

*Will the final word have an "e" in it?

*Will the final word have alternate pronunciations [and the speller must ask for it]?

*Will the winner be east or west of the Mississippi River?

*How many letters in the final word?  The over/under is 10.5.

There are also rumors that other sites are doing the same....with lines for "will the winner be wearing glasses" and whether "the final word will start with a consanant or a vowel". 

This is insane. has sorta of a ranking of the top spellers which could be construed as a sorta "fantasy spelling list". 

Look, I am all for throwing a few bucks down on any stupid event [like Survivor, the Oscars, even the Presidential election] but betting on kids and their ability to spell just ruined all that for me.  I think that betting and kids don't mix.  Especially kids this age.  What's next??  Betting on the Special Olympics?  Betting on Little League?  Oh, apparantly they've been doing that for some time [ - Big-league Web wagering trickles down to little-league level]. 

I'm sure action is action....but this is just moronic.  At least it will be until some kid takes a dive for a pony or an X-Box 360.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dig in my blog, and you can find a link to q place that offers odds on Marcus Vick... "8 to 1 that he is suspended for brandishing a gun at the practice facility" and so forth.