Let me just say this.
I grew up in the South. I grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina....and despite many things you can say about Charlotte, it isn't as 'neck as people would love to think.
I thought so, until I moved on the Kentucky side of Cincinnati. Here....whoa....Neck Central.
No more so than this little game called CORNHOLE.
Cornhole is a a derivation of horseshoes. Instead of throwing shoes at a peg in a sand pit.....you throw bags of corn to a wooden board that has a hole in it. The scoring is nearly the same as horseshoes. Three points if you get one in the hole....one point if you land on the board. First team to 21 wins. And the game may be better since it is more portable. To play horseshoes....there already has to be a pit made somwhere. Cornhole players can take these boards anywhere. You can learn more about this game at the ACA website.....yeah the American Cornhole Association [What is Corn Toss, Cornhole, Bean Bag and Bean Toss?].
The game is fine. The name is dumb. When I first moved up here and heard about this game....people up here didn't understand why I was laughing. People "cornhole" in Kentucky???? Get outta here! Much to my surprise....no sheep were involved in this sport. This isn't some "prison secret". This isn't the game they played with JJ Redick as he was in holding for his DWI incident in the Triangle. And no drunks [well, okay....most people got a beer nearby]. Needless to say, my mother laughs when I mention the name of this game.
Some people do get the joke....but for some reason others don't. I just don't understand why they don't use the name "baggo" - which is the name that is used nationally - instead of this, uh, shall we say, uh, homonymic name. Baggo®.com! is a great place to go to get started up with this game.
Why am I even talking about this?? Well, the Carson Palmer Cornhole Classic - Cincinnati Bengals will be held this Saturday....and just the title of the thing has me rolling. If you are uninitiated to the game....heck, the name of the game....then the above "classic" seems like something that you might need to get Zed and The Gimp for...and pray that Chad Johnson isn't behind you with a samarai sword.
So, if you ever come thru The Nati area and hear someone yell out "hey, anyone want to get in on some cornhole over here!"......you don't have to run.
1 comment:
Ummmm, Never heard of "Corn Hole" thats a little to North for me, down here in Texas, we play "Washers".
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