Friday, November 18, 2005


My wife went ahead and gave me my Christmas present early [as what tends to happen every November].  She gave me a domain name.

Pretty cool.  Now it is easier to tell friends and family that you can type "" and not all those dots, backslashes and https.  It also makes it easier for me to access my blog when I am somewhere else [instead of having to type ""....then type in "Sportzassassin"....then find my blog]. 

It isn't a new site or anything [despite the fact that there is a migration from AOL since the advertisments have been added].  The domain name just reroutes you to my AOL blog.

I must give a shout out to my wife who did a nice job to get me this great gift!!!!!  Thanks beautiful!!!

So, if you are ever wanting to just read my blog...instead of trying to find it, google it, or hitting up your own blog first for the link....just type in my name and ya got it!!


Anonymous said...

Your wife rocks, and so does your new domain name. You have always been and continue to be one of my favorite sports blogs.


Anonymous said...

that's kickass

Anonymous said...

I take it was taken...