Thursday, October 26, 2006

Someone Else Thinks Michael Irvin Is An 'Idiot'


As a Redskins fan...I am well conditioned to hate anything Cowboys, Eagles and Giants....and that includes Sir Tiki Barber.  But I must admit that Tiki got my support today as he ripped into three individuals for smacking him up about his retirement.

The three:

-New York Daily News' Gary Myers:  "he has created a season-long distraction" the Giants "don't need".

-ESPN's Tom Jackson:  the decision "has distracted the team from the task at hand."

-ESPN's Michael Irvin:  "To me, in my head, that's quitting.  That's not retiring."

On Tiki's radio show, "The Barber Shop", he lit into all three....even naming them.

Tiki:  "I will call them idiots, because they have neither spoken to me, nor any one of my teammates or any of my coaches.  Yet all they do is criticize me for being a distraction with this retirement thing.  And that includes Gary Myers.  That includes Tom Jackson on ESPN. That includes the ultimate character guy, facetiously speaking of course, Michael Irvin. Please get a clue on how to be a journalist.  Don't make blanket assumptions about it [retirement]. And obviously, as was evidenced [Monday] night, I am a huge distraction to the New York Giants."


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