Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Serving Arenas


from MercuryNews.com

A lawyer in a paternity case threatened to serve Gilbert Arenas with a subpoena in a nationally televised game March 28 in Sacramento, the Mercury News is reporting.

Arenas watched the game from his hotel room under an alias -- the team said he had the flu -- then flew to
while his teammates spent the night.

The ordeal went on so long it actually became a running gag with some of the Wizards. . . . In Oakland, Arenas narrowly escaped being served when teammate
Donnell Taylor
was mistaken for him at a practice, giving Arenas enough time to flee.

``All I heard was: `We're going to get him by any means necessary. If he's shooting a free throw, we'll run on that floor and embarrass him, that's what we're going to do.' It got that crazy and nasty,'' Arenas said.

Arenas and the woman, a former
Kings employee, eventually came to an agreement, and the woman and their daughter now live a few miles apart in Virginia.

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