Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Cincinnati's Mayor Needs To Stay Off the Mound

This is Cincinnati mayor Mark Mallory throwing out the first pitch at the Reds Opening Day game with Chicago.  He should just retire from ever ... EVER ... doing this again.  I don't know what's funnier:  seeing the umpire surprised the ball was hopping toward his feet or the look on Eric Davis' face.


Anonymous said...

LoL the news this morning was rippin on him hardcore
they must've showed that clip 100 times in the 30 minutes I was watching
they were laughing about how everyone in the world would see it on the internet
Poor Mayor Mallory, it was his birthday too, he was all excited when he got interviewed before the game

Anonymous said...

If I was the Mayor... and especially if I were the President.... I'd use my chance at throwing out the first pitch to Bean the batter.

When Baltimore played Cuba a fe years back, they trotted out some old Habano to swing at the first pitch. I was really, really hoping that the pitcher would bean him.

I don't have anything against Cuba, either... I just like Human Comedy.