Friday, April 11, 2008

New Reality Show: Sports Cheaters


There is a new reality show in the works where the best sports cheaters of all time will be forced to live with each other.

Picture it Big Brother, Survivior and the NBA playoffs rolled into one.   The house will be on 1919 Black Sox Lane.

Danny Almonte: the 20 yr old Little Leaguer
Bill Belichick:  Film auteur
Barry Bonds:  He's got nothing to do right now.
Tonya Harding:  Olympic Skater/Redneck
Ben Johnson:  The Steroid O.G.
Mark McGwire:  But let's talk about the future
Milli Vanilli:  Okay, not sports.  But you need something else in there.
Rosie Ruiz:  Cheated at the Boston Marathon
Stella Walsh:  The dude/chick who won a gold medal

The winner will be picked by the figure skating judges from the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics.


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