Saturday, July 9, 2005

All Hail The Great Outdoor Games!!!

                     Razzle Dazzle

First off....let me just say that I have nothing against the "Great Outdoor Games" that are currently going on. While not on par with the Olympics....things like the Outdoor Games and the X-Games are interesting undercards that host events that may not fall under the "sports" category.

Especially the outdoor games. There are events that are sporting in nature [archery, ATV racing] and events that are just....well, events. There is log rolling, speed climbing, hot saw, dogs catching frisbees, super jack and boom run. In fact, the Outdoor Games are seperated into four groups: ATV, Timber Events, Target Sports and Sporting Dogs. Any "Games" that have dogs as competitors gets my vote!!! I mean, where else can Lock Eye Razzle win a medal???

Like I said in a blog post I made over a year ago....I’d love to have the "Backyard Games". Ya know...horseshoes, darts, bowling, who can throw a baseball the farthest, etc. There are Monopoly tournaments, back-offs, thumb wrestling and probably paper football championships somewhere.

        Jenny Atkinson and Abby Hoeschler

But don't get me wrong.  It still is funny.  On the GOG asks that you don't bring your dog so it doesn't affect the competing dogs.  They also state that the wood used in the Games comes from Wisconsin.  But it is serious business.  The event [just like the X Games] has created solid ratings for ESPN and has sort of brought out these "sports".  The X-Games has been a smash with pretty much an entire culture has been created from it.  While the Outdoor Games hasn't reached that status has brought in buzz around "timber sports" and ATV racing. 

So, laugh and/or mock the Outdoor Games.  It's okay.  Just remember that badminton, cycling, equestrian, fencing, sailing and weightlifting are in the Olympic Games...and they are just as niche as anything the Outdoor Game strutsout there.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah..the Great Outdoor Games..why? ur blog...would u mind adding Calling the Shots to ur Other Blogs column